Governor Vacancy!
We currently have a vacancy for a Parent Governor. Please see the below information if you're interested!
Welcome to the meet the Governors webpage, from feedback which we received from parents and carers there seems to be little understanding as to the role of the governors and the governing body at Whitehouse Common Primary School. I hope that this page will help to increase that understanding.
The Governing Body at Whitehouse Common primary School is made up of members of the local and school community. There are 12 members on our governing Body. The governing body works closely with the Headteacher, who is responsible for the day to day management of the school. The governing body is part of the school leadership team, responsible for strategic planning and policy development. They work as a team to make sure the school provides a good quality education for all its pupils and we:
- support the school, but not uncritically
- explain its policies to parents and the community
- help to settle its disputes, fairly and conscientiously
- oversee its policies and its use of resources and finances
The governors at Whitehouse Common Primary School work as an effective team, we get together as a full body for a meeting once a term and are also working with the school as either governors with defined responsibilities or as committee members.
The Governing Body operates 4 committees:
- Finance, Personel, Staffing and Salaries. This committee helps to control the annual school budget which is in excess of £1million.
- Curriculum. This committee works with the heads of the curriculum areas and the teaching staff on standards of student achievement, teaching and learning including the provision of Special Educational Needs.
- Health and safety. Advises the governing body on general safety policies and recommends steps to be taken to ensure that everything feasible is done to promote the safety of staff, students and authorised visitors on the school premises, and that relevant legal obligations are complied with. .
- Happy Hometime Club. The not for profit Before and After school club.
The governors at Whitehouse Common Primary School are as follows:
Name | Position | Committees |
Rob Crosson | Chair of Governing Body, Foundation Governor | Finance, Curriculum, Health and Safety, SEN, Pay, Happy Hometime Club |
Fiona Milward | Head Teacher | Finance, Curriculum, Happy Hometime Club, Health & Safety |
Colin Philpott | Chair of Finance Committee, Foundation Governor | Finance, Health and Safety, SEN, HHC, Pay |
Domanic Smith-Jones | Co-Opted Governor | Finance |
Claire Wheeler | Co-Opted Governor | Health and Safety |
Lesley Hopkins | Co-Opted Governor | Curriculum |
Harriet Turley | Co-Opted Governor | |
Sarah Burton | Co-Opted Governor | Health and Safety, Curriculum |
Dr Priyamahesh Rajaiah | Parent Governor | Premises |
Mrs Alison Cupples | Parent Governor | |
Mrs Heather Kettlewell | Staff Governor | Finance |
Governor's Register of Pecuniary Interests 2022/2023
Name | Class | Chair or Vice Chair | Committee Chair | Finance and Staffing Committee Member | Premises Committee Member | Curriculum Committee Member | Term of office end date
| Other school governor posts held? | Business Interests |
Mrs. Sarah Burton | CG | VC | YES | YES | YES |
| 04.12.2026 | NONE | NONE |
Mr. Rob Crosson | FOU | CH |
| YES | YES | YES | 19.05.2025 | NONE | NONE |
Mrs. Alison Cupples | PG |
| YES |
| 26.09.2026 | NONE | Innovate Collaborate |
Mrs. Lesley Hopkins | CG |
| YES |
| YES | 02.09.2022 | NONE | NONE |
Mrs. Heather Kettlewell | STF |
| YES |
| 26.09.2022 | NONE | NONE |
Mrs. Fiona Milward | HT STF |
| YES | YES | YES | N/A | NONE | NONE |
Mr. Colin Philpott | FOU |
| YES | YES | YES |
| 27.11.2024 | NONE | NONE |
Dr. Priyamahesh Rajaiah | PG |
| YES |
| 26.09.2026 | NONE | NONE |
Mrs. Harriet Turley | CG |
| 29.11.2024 | NONE | Hamilton Property Holdings |
Mrs. Claire Wheeler | CG |
| YES | YES | 03.07.2024 | Fairfax Academy | NONE |
Mrs. Deb Wood | AS |
| YES | 17.01.2025 | NONE | NONE |
Mr. Domanic Smith-Jones | CG | 23.01.2027 | NONE | NONE |
Governor Appointment Dates
Name | Class | Appointed | Re-elected | Resigned |
Mrs. Debbie Allen | HT | 01.01.2009 |
| 20.07.2020 |
Miss Harriet Breeze Mrs. Harriet Turley | CO CO | 03.10.2016 30.11.2020 |
| 02.10.2020 |
Mrs. Sarah Burton | EP CO | 05.12.2014 05.12.2018 |
05.12.2022 | 04.12.2018 |
Mrs. Kiranjit Chanian | CO | 02.12.2019 |
| 22.01.2021 |
Ms. Martine Cowdery | ES | 01.12.2012 | 01.12.2016 | 30.11.2020 |
Mrs Alison Cupples | EP | 27.09.2022 | ||
Mr. Rob Crosson | FG | 20.05.2013 | 20.05.2017 20.05.2021 |
Mr. Mike Dixon | CO | 20.05.2013 | 22.05.2017 | 13.10.2018 |
Mr. Chris Harris | CO | 20.05.2013 | 22.05.2017 | 07.10.2019 |
Ms. Lisa Hickin | EP | 06.12.2018 |
| 13.09.2022 |
Mrs. Lesley Hopkins | CO | 03.09.2014 | 03.09.2018 03.09.2022 |
Miss Lateesha Johnson | LA | 21.01.2019 |
| 05.10.2022 |
Mrs Heather Kettlewell | ES | 27.09.2022 | ||
Mr. Joe Melville | ES | 01.12.2020 |
| 22.07.2022 |
Mrs. Fiona Milward | AM HT | 24.11.2014 01.09.2020 | 24.11.2018 | 20.07.2020 |
Mrs. Lucy Parkes | CO | 04.10.2017 |
| 03.10.2021 |
Mr. Colin Philpott | LA FG | 02.04.2013 28.11.2016 |
28.11.2020 |
Dr Priyamahesh Rajaiiah | EP | 27.09.2022 | ||
Mr. Phil Pritchard | CO | 26.11.2018 |
| 20.01.2020 |
Mr. Neil Simmonds | EP | 20.11.2020 |
| 27.05.2022 |
Mrs. Jane Slassor | CO | 18.01.2021 |
| 15.05.2023 |
Mr. Chris Sturridge-Packer | EP | 24.11.2017 |
| 21.01.2019 |
Mrs. Claire Wheeler | CO | 04.07.2016 | 04.07.2020 |
Mrs. Deb Wood | AM | 18.01.2021 |
Mr. Chris Osborn (Clerk) |
| 05.09.2016 |
Governor Attendance
To see our records of governor attendance, click the below links:
Previous Governors who have helped the school on its journey:
- Mr Peter Martin (LEA Governor)
- Mrs Valerie Martin (LEA Governor)
- Mrs Julie Morgan (LEA Governor former Chair)
- Mr Martyn Collin (Head Teacher Governor)
- Mrs Helen Sotomayor (Teacher Governor)
- Mrs Suzan Poulton (Parent Governor)
- Mr Robin Wheeler (Parent Governor)
- Mrs Jean Wood (Lea Governor)
- Mr Henry Lacey (Lea Governor)
- Mr Ian Stewart (Parent Governor)
- Mrs Gail Chamberlain (Co-opted Governor)
- Mr Simon Rowney (Co-opted and Parent Governor, former Chair)
- Mrs Marion Daniels (Teacher Governor)
- Mr Giles Wheeler (Parent Governor, former Chair)
- Mrs Katrena Aucott (Co-opted Governor)
- Mrs Sue Eriksen (Parent Governor)
- Mr Jamie Barry (Teacher Governor)
- Miss Chris Tonkinson (Teacher Governor)
- Mr Dale Hill (Head Teacher Governor)
- Mr Japp Vos (former Chair)
- Mrs Nicole Checkley (Deputy Head Governor)
- Mrs Helen Myers (Parent Governor)
- Mr Shafiq Ahmed (Parent Governor)
- Mr Mark Tipton (Parent Governor)
- Mr Bob Pattni (Community Governor)
- Mr Simon Lowndes (Parent Governor)
- Mrs Julia Wakefield (Parent Governor)
- Mr Wayne Merrick (Co-opted Governor)
- Mr Nigel Marshall (Co-opted Governor)
- Mr Dean Boyce (Co-Opted Governor)
- Mrs Helen Woodman (Clerk to the Governing Body)
- Mrs Jane Slassor (Staff Governor)
- Mrs Carol Duckworth (Foundation Governor)
- Mr Perminder Balu (Co-opted Governor)
- Mr Chris Harris (Co-opted Governor, former Vice Chair)
- Mr P Pritchard (Co-Opted Governor)
- Mrs Debbie Allen (Head Teacher)
- Mrs Martine Cowdery (Staff Governor)
Mr C Sturridge-Packer (Parent governor)
- Mrs K Chanian (Co-opted Governor)
- Mrs L McIntosh (Staff Governor)
- Mrs L Parkes (Staff Governor)
- Ms Lisa Hickin (Parent Governor)
- Miss Lateesha Johnson (LA)
- Mr Joe Meville (Staff Governor)