Uniform Information
At Whitehouse Common Primary school, we understand the benefits of belonging to the ‘Whitehouse Common Family’. As part of this collective responsibility, all pupils are expected to wear our school uniform in full to school every day and are encouraged to take pride in their appearance, reminding them that, whilst wearing school uniform, they are ambassadors for our school.
We are committed to ensuring that our school uniform is affordable and accessible to all pupils and does not place an unreasonable financial burden on parents and, as such, most items of non-logo school uniform can be purchased from high street stores e.g. Asda, Tesco, Sainsbury’s Marks & Spencer etc.
Should you wish to purchase uniform with our logo, these can be purchased from:
- Clive Mark
- MyClothing
- Crested Schoolwear
- Branded Clothing UK
- Brigade Clothing
To support families, the PTA regularly has some ‘good as new’ uniform sales, which are advertised through newsletters, posters around school or their Facebook page. Also available to purchase through their uniform shop on site. Shop is usually open on a Friday afternoon but please see Facebook for opening hours.
Government or local charity funding towards the cost of uniform may also be available. Please contact the school office for further information.
The basic colours of our school uniform are grey, white and emerald green.
- Grey trousers/shorts, grey skirt, grey culottes or grey pinafore dress
- White shirt or polo shirt
- Emerald green sweatshirt or cardigan
- Green and white gingham dress
- Black or grey tights or plain white, grey or black socks
- Black school shoes
Indoor PE kit
- White plain T-shirt
- Green plain shorts
- Black pumps
Outdoor PE kit (KS1 and KS2 only)
- Dark, plain jogging bottoms / sports leggings with minimal branding (no 'fashion' leggings please)
- Dark, plain full-length hoodie / sports sweatshirt with minimal branding
- Spare pair of socks / sport socks
- Tracksuit or jogging bottoms and warm top for cold weather use
- Outdoor trainers
Swimming kit
- Swimming costume/trunks
- Swimming cap
- Goggles
- Towel
School policy is that children do not wear jewellery to school, although watches are permitted. Fitness trackers (non-cellular and of minimal value) may be worn for non-contact activities, as deemed appropriate by the teacher. Children should not be wearing other smart watches to school. If your child has pierced ears, then we request that they only wear small studs. Please ensure that these are removed before coming to school on days when your child has PE or Games.
It is important that all items of clothing, footwear and school bags are labelled clearly with the child’s name.
My Nametags provide long-lasting, washable, microwave proof and easy to apply personalised name labels. order at www.mynametags.com please quote school id 23926