Would you like to support your child with their language learning?
In this part of the Spanish content you’ll find some ideas and suggestions as to how you might nurture the little linguists of the future!
Top tips:
• Ask your children to share what they’re learning in Spanish.
• Encourage them to use their learning.
• Draw attention to languages in daily life.
• If you speak other languages, share them with your chid(ren) and encourage them to share too.
• Lots of cartoons like Peppa Pig and Pocoyo can also be found in Spanish
• Learn with them! Apps like Duolingo are great for this as they have an element of competition
Here are some websites that you might find helpful:
BBC KS2 Bitesize Languages website – vocabulary (with sound files) games and songs written with young learners in mind. Also includes sections on pronunciation and culture. Here's the link to the Spanish section but you can also access materials for French, German, Italian and Mandarin here.
For preschool learners, you might want to look at The Lingo Show and watch the clips featuring Queso, the Spanish bug.
Spanish games – a website that offers vocabulary based games: words are presented then you can practise playing a variety of games
Digital dialects has a Spanish section with activities at a variety of levels.
Rockalingua is a subscription site but offers material for free too including lots of songs, a colour game and a number game, and various picture dictionaries and videos.
Hello World – lots of Spanish activities including games, songs and vocabulary activities as well as some logic puzzles and pattern activities.
Spanish town is an American website that has a series of lessons in Spanish: levels 1 and 2 and the first few lessons of level 3 cover things pupils will study at primary level.
Some helpful apps you might use:
Duolingo (free)
Rosetta Stone Learn Languages (in app purchases)
FunEasyLearn – Learn Languages (in app purchases)
Gus on the go (paid app)
Spanish for Kids Stories with Gus on the Go (in app purchases)
For Spanish songs, try following the Cantirondas channel on Youtube where you’ll find traditional songs (Rondas infantiles de siempre) as well as timetable songs (Tablas de multiplicar).
You might also like CantaJuegosVevo where you’ll find thematic songs as well as action rhymes such as Wincey Araña and Bugui Bugui
The CalicoSpanish channel has many videos that we use throughout the school to teach Spanish
as does Basho & friends
We often use songs from the Super Simple Español channel in class especially the Colección Canciones Infantiles
And for stories, try Bookboxinc where you’ll find some traditional tales as well as original ones, narrated in Spanish with subtitles
ReadItAgain has bilingual stories (told in English then Spanish) as well as stories wholly in Spanish.
And Scholastic has some familiar English stories told in Spanish in this playlist